Two six-pagers, one presentation, a few dozen posts on Black Board, roughly about thirty articles read for Transnational Media Flows, two three page journals, one presentation, and roughly about another twenty-five articles read for Communication Processes, and lastly one five pager, about twenty-seven pages of notes and roughly about sixty articles read for Media, Culture, and Communication Core have all been done thus far.
As for my California visitors, old friend from the high school days known as beej, old boss and husband, the be-you hommegirl, "the marine" and "team stacey," and la china have came and gone. On the same note, I've meet some New Yorkers, one that plainly called me a retard that I will never speak to again, another that is a rad english man that's about one foot and four inches taller than me, one that I meet at the Wreck room, and another that happens to be just plain fabulous whom introduced me to the best basil chicken fried rice of my entire life...don't think I forgot about you...I also meet this fabulous being whom shared some of the best cafe con leche and repas in Bushwick on Sunday. The grad life has giving me the distinct pleasure to hang out with some of the greatest people. One being, my hommegirl who is me minus the "T," the "zal" man, the comedian whom I actually had some frozen yogurt with today, and other MCC-ers who have shared great conversations/times with me (awesome peeps all around).
What awaits? Well, let me tell you...
One six pager and one twelve to fifteen pager for Transnatinal Media Flows, one twenty pager for Communication Process, and one six pager for MCC Core, plus all the reading/research that comes along with the writing. As for the California visitors, the cali roll whom I get to see tomorrow, the be-you hommegirl for thanksgiving weekend, the executive BFF in December, the "I want to do everything, and see everything" travel-all-over and the "I'm just along for the ride," and lastly, the uncle and the girlfriend. They too will come and go; both the writing and the visitors. When everything has been said and done, I will be on a plane to San Diego.
The twenty day visit to San Diego will also be inclusive of Mexico, Los Angeles/Anaheim, and Las Vegas. After "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is all said and done as well, I will be on a plane back home. Yes, its true. New York has now become home. When back at home on Thursday the twentieth of January, I must make time to buy the books for the new spring semester, and buy some more furniture. Come Monday, the spring semester starts.
This blog was mostly intended to justify my lack of text message responding, as well as formulating a "to-do" list for my own personal "scatter brain." All I can think of at the end of the day is an In & Out burger, paying a visit to my dentist in TJ and eating some tacos after my teeth cleaning, and my family.
Home is where the heart is, and even though my ugg snow boots fit, I kind of miss my 6th grade nike cortez's.
Yeyea! Beej got a shout out. lol. Glad you're surviving Tanya. I won't be in SD when you come home, so I'll be looking to stay in touch via whatever medium. lol. I got a picture to share with you on FB too.